Feeling overwhelmed by 2019? Are you using the right technology to lighten the load?

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed at work when your task list is never-ending, your clients have a perpetual stream of requests, and there is no end to the emails in your inbox. This is particularly true for business leaders who are constantly trying to make their businesses grow, while staying afloat of their own admin tasks and interpersonal relationships. Overwhelming stress can lead to a number of risks, health included, and can jeopardise an organisation in a variety of ways. However, with elevated stress levels whilst it’s only April, it might be time to consider the various tools that are available. Specially designed to mitigate stress and help alleviate business leaders of some of their more mundane tasks, tools like an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system can make the world of difference. Let’s take a look:
Let technology do the work for you
The efficiencies of cloud have been apparent for a while, but few business leaders are aware of the time that it can reduce on various manual tasks. Invoicing, transaction imports, reconciliation, payments – and more – are all time-consuming, admin-heavy tasks that could be automated relatively easily. And yet, professionals are still spending a significant amount of time doing them manually. Not only could their time be put too much better use on other things, but they could also focus on finding new clients, improving on customer service and growing the business.
Work-life balance
A proper work-life balance is vital for combating workplace stress and to be able to keep up in the long run. And, anything you do to save time at work leaves more time for non-work-related activities. By working smarter, and using technology to assist, business leaders are able to get more time back in their working day and their personal life. With eight more months of the year ahead of us, it is important to consider the roll technology plays in your life, and your business, and how you can make it work smarter for you.
Whether you’re looking to fully embrace technology, or make upgrades, be sure to contact us today for more information on how we can help you.